Thursday, December 15, 2011

I have been away from my computer.

I have not been able to post because of a mess up with my internet bill being paid to another account got me turned off, and I figured since I was at the Library today I would check in.  I have been crocheting, i have done up a curly scarf to match the last hat, a great purple hat with spiraling popcorns and a button cuff (super cool) and I had a etra long scarf (if you know me you know how I love my long scarfs) , like so long it drags the grouns if i dont have it wrapped.  So hopefully soon The whole internet thing will be cleared up and I can go back to surfing the web and adding more stuff here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hat 7 anothe beanie

Just another single crochet beanie. I was gonna put a brim on in but I felt like it looked a little to cat in the hat with the self striping pink cotton yarn.  I think I had to rip parts of this out 4 times, not so much fun, but it is a pretty pink although you cant seeot in these pictures.

Pumpkin Head (hat 6)

I searched and searched the web to find a cute adult sized pumpkin hat and I couldnt find one thet I thought I would actually wear on public so I came up with my own pattern.  I absolutly loved, loved, LOVED this hat.  I made the pumpkin 'ridges' using the popcorn stitch, and I just winged it for the pumpkin, and watched a you-tube video to get the basics of the curly cue.  Really it was alot of fun.  I think I will sit down with the hat and write up the pattern and put it up on here.

hat 5, my Bella hat

This is my Bells Sawn hat, like the one she wore at the LaPush beach in Twilight.  All in all this was a quick easy crochet. it is also the hat my bad great Dane stretched all out, the photo is post dog attack and the hat was still damp, therefor old. I got this pattern form , there are like a million patterns for this hat out there, I liked this website most.  On another not I wore this hat to the Dr. office the other day and one of the reception ladies really liked it, and all crafters like to get compliments on our handywork :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


GRRRRRR!  I have a very very bad great dane free to good home!  Yesterday afternoon, I left my dining room to fing my great dane coming out of the living room carrying the hat I just finished a little bit ago (hat 6, a very cute orange pumpkin hat.)  He wouldnt drop it, wouldnt open his mouth, wouldnt let me pry his mouth open.  I swatted his nose and yelled at him telling him he is a bad dog (the bad dog thing hurts his feeling, I think) and then he gave up his prize.  Upon instpection i found no damage, just a small damp spot so I took it to the kitchen and gave it a good spray with fabreeze just to be safe.  From there I head into the living room and instantly sopt hat 5, my Bella Swan hat, on the floor and greatly mis-shapen. It looked as if he had his paws in one side of it while he pulled on the other siode with his teeth, and it was very wet, very gross. I washed it up in the sink and coaxed it back into shape, which suprised me that it wasnt ruined.  SO tomorrow I will post pictures and info about the hats, and I plan to make my 1 year old nephew a smaller version of a pumpkin hat because he seemed to be interested in mine today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hat 4

This is My Lovie in his hat I made for him.  All done in single crochet, to give it a nice tight frrling since that is what he requested.  The yarn is black heather by Vanna's Choice. It was a very nice quick crochet, I think I will do more like this in different colors with some appliques... I am seeing owl eyes, and kitty ears :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hat #3

SO, hat 3... It took me 3 tries at 3 patterns to get this one done.  At first I was trying got a popcorn stitch hat I loves that I found on the internet, but after just a few rows the pattern became.... It became, well it just seemed like someting was missing from the pattern, like a line or 2 so I frogged that and ripped it out.  Then I went for a blur berry's hat whick i thought seemed to be a very cool hat and I read the pattern through first, but as I went at it I found that I didnt like it, so alsa we get to the real hat 3. it is just a basic beanie type done in double crochet, I could cee the seem where I connected each row so toward the bottom I threw in 3 random popcorn stitches to become the center of a few flowers, and the croched up a few random flowers to applique over the dredded seem ( I am sure it wasnt THAT bad, but we are always most critical of our own work right?)

If I am going to make 400 hats I am going to need some more yarn, Right?

After moving 6 times in 2 years my yarn stash had become quite depleted, Several times i went through it and gave alot away, but after deciding to go in the 400 hat exercise  I realized I was going to need more yarn... I know this isn't nearly enough to do 400 hats, but it is a start. I figure every month I will get some more and all will be well. The black yarn is already mostly used up on a manly style hat for my Lovie.  I think i want to make myself a pumpkin hat with the orange, it is October after all.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hat 2

Hat 2 was a little harder, but I do love it.  I got its pattern from
I made my brim one row wider than the pattern calls for and if I do it again I think I will make the part for the bow about an inch shorter on each side, but it was a fun crochet. Oh, and the tassle wasnt called for in the pattern but I felt ming needed it because the top the hat was a bit pointy.

Hat 1

First hat crocheted, the yarn is a mixed yarn, pink, white and black. I bought it years ago but didnt know what to do with it untill a few days back. It is supposed to be a slochjy hat but i dont think that style suits me or my owl so we will wear in in a classic beret style.  The pattern can be found at
Hope you enjoy.

400 Hats and such...

The other day I decided to crochet a hat, and the next day another... I had thought to myself, since i live in an area where we get frequent snows in the winter months and I like to walk my doggie, Diesel, in the evenings, I wanted a variety of hats to choose from, and while jokingly chatting about this with my Lovie he said something about having a different hat for every day of the month...So I started thinking, if i had that many hats people would begin to ask me "HOW many hats DO you HAVE?" And in my world i thought it would be funny to reply with "Something like 400."  And then I decided I really do want to make 400 hats ( I will probably end up selling some and giving them out as gifts, because really who needs that many hats) but really i do think I want to make them and figured I would blog it out while I made them.  I dont know how long this venture will take me, I plan to try to use alot of the free patterns out there in th internet world, and maybe make up a a few, and even possibly buy a pattern or 2 if I find the right one. The next day I started another but was unhappy with the pattern directions, some parts were just to vague and I felt like I was missing important parts on the instructions so I ripped it all out and wen on a search for my next project (which is all picked out and I think the pattern makes sence... we will see.)  My sister has no clue of my ambitions yet, but she did request I make her a brown hat, so I sent her serching the internet to find one she likes and then I will get to work on that. I will place photos and links when I can, and I am sure this blog will go off into other things I do, like coooking and maybe a great haircut I did in school.