Wednesday, September 28, 2011

400 Hats and such...

The other day I decided to crochet a hat, and the next day another... I had thought to myself, since i live in an area where we get frequent snows in the winter months and I like to walk my doggie, Diesel, in the evenings, I wanted a variety of hats to choose from, and while jokingly chatting about this with my Lovie he said something about having a different hat for every day of the month...So I started thinking, if i had that many hats people would begin to ask me "HOW many hats DO you HAVE?" And in my world i thought it would be funny to reply with "Something like 400."  And then I decided I really do want to make 400 hats ( I will probably end up selling some and giving them out as gifts, because really who needs that many hats) but really i do think I want to make them and figured I would blog it out while I made them.  I dont know how long this venture will take me, I plan to try to use alot of the free patterns out there in th internet world, and maybe make up a a few, and even possibly buy a pattern or 2 if I find the right one. The next day I started another but was unhappy with the pattern directions, some parts were just to vague and I felt like I was missing important parts on the instructions so I ripped it all out and wen on a search for my next project (which is all picked out and I think the pattern makes sence... we will see.)  My sister has no clue of my ambitions yet, but she did request I make her a brown hat, so I sent her serching the internet to find one she likes and then I will get to work on that. I will place photos and links when I can, and I am sure this blog will go off into other things I do, like coooking and maybe a great haircut I did in school.

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