Monday, October 3, 2011

Hat #3

SO, hat 3... It took me 3 tries at 3 patterns to get this one done.  At first I was trying got a popcorn stitch hat I loves that I found on the internet, but after just a few rows the pattern became.... It became, well it just seemed like someting was missing from the pattern, like a line or 2 so I frogged that and ripped it out.  Then I went for a blur berry's hat whick i thought seemed to be a very cool hat and I read the pattern through first, but as I went at it I found that I didnt like it, so alsa we get to the real hat 3. it is just a basic beanie type done in double crochet, I could cee the seem where I connected each row so toward the bottom I threw in 3 random popcorn stitches to become the center of a few flowers, and the croched up a few random flowers to applique over the dredded seem ( I am sure it wasnt THAT bad, but we are always most critical of our own work right?)

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